Good health is often about great promotion and awareness of conditions, symptoms, screening and treatments. Here are some events you may not have heard of.
The month of February – Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late, Bowel Cancer Australia
While it is the country’s second biggest cancer killer, affecting both men and women, many of us are still unaware of the symptoms and screening process for bowel cancer. The month of February promotes the Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late campaign, aiming to raise awareness of the condition and promote regular screening for those at risk. Screening can now be performed at home and kits can be ordered online at
13th–19th of March – Brain Awareness Week, Brain Foundation
Brain Awareness Week is all about improving the health of Australians through brain research. By holding a Big Trivia event night with friends and family, you can raise awareness and funds for those suffering with brain disease or injury. Learn more here
24th–28th of April – Patient Experience Week – Health Consumers’ Council (WA)
The Health Consumers Council of WA is an independent voice that is passionate about advocating for patients in Western Australia. Patient Experience Week is an initiative of the Beryl Institute and is designed to celebrate all healthcare staff that impact the patient experience. It provides a time for organisations to celebrate accomplishments and honour those who impact patients, whether they are nurses, physicians, support staff, families or communities.
31st of May – World No Tobacco Day – World Health Organisation
While many of us are well aware of the risks associated with smoking by now, there are some that may not have heard about World No Tobacco Day. Each year, the World Health Organisation mark this event which aims to highlight the health and additional risks associated with tobacco and look to create effective policies to reduce consumption.
9th of June – Pirate Day Friday – The Adventures
In Australia, brain cancer kills more children than any other disease. Pirate Day Friday is a campaign conducted in schools, early learning centres and communities to raise funds for medical research into childhood brain cancer. On Pirate Day Friday, children and adults donate a gold coin in order to dress up as a pirate and take part in fun activities. Learn more here
21st of July – National Pyjama Day – The Pyjama Foundation
The only thing better than staying in your pyjamas all day is doing it for a good cause. The Pyjama Foundation is all about helping little people achieve big things, providing children in foster care the opportunity to boost confidence, gain important life skills and encourage learning with help from volunteers called ‘Pyjama Angels’. National Pyjama Day can be held anytime throughout July and August and raises funds for children in foster care.