Whether you’re a physician making a house call, a family stocking up your first-aid kit, or a local GP working at a clinic, there are certain medical supplies which we need to keep close by at all times.

There are varying situations where you’ll require specific or unique items, and many physicians have to customise their doctors bags, or store rooms to accommodate these needs, but there are always those core items that are frequently relied upon.


Wound care – stopping bleeding and closing wounds


Depending on your situation, you may be required to close an open wound and stop the bleeding. This is where you’ll need


·         Sutures and;

·         Bandages.

Two of the most common go-to items for any first aid-kit, or doctors bag, these items need to be stocked up at all times to treat everything from minor cuts, to larger lacerations.


Pain management


One of the most common complaints physicians experience from patients is from pain. This can be a result of a number of factors, from headaches and migraines, period pains, inflammation, chronic back/shoulder/neck pain, and many more. It is for this reason that painkillers are an important item to keep in strong supply.


·         Paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin and;

·         Chemical ice bags.


These are just some of the items that are very effective at alleviating minor pains.


Responding to allergies


Another common medical issue is when an individual experiences an allergic reaction to certain stimuli, whether from food, drink or otherwise. Key items to keep on hand include:


·         EpiPen or Epinephrine;

·         Antihistamine creams and;

·         Antihistamine.


As allergies can become life-threatening quickly, it’s imperative that such items are kept handy at all times. A physician can’t afford to find himself short of the medical supplies he needs to treat an anaphylaxis reaction that needs to be treated immediately.


Infection prevention


A doctors’ worst enemy, infections are always a risk when it comes to treating wounds and injuries. For this reason, it’s very important to have a stockpile of infection treatment supplies available to ensure you beat back any infections before they have time to set in. As they can set in quickly, responding quickly is a must. Items to keep in supply include:


·         Antiseptics and disinfectants;

·         Adhesive wound dressings;

·         Gauze and;

·         Antibiotic ointments and creams.


Other speciality supplies will be needed for those in specific fields, but the above items are the core items you should be ensuring you have ample supply of.